Friday, July 30, 2010

Libraries Stack Up!!

Thanks to Sally Gardner Reed for this link on the FOLUSA List Serve.

This two page  How Libraries Stack Up! makes great points about how your tax dollar supports our public libraries and the real difference it makes to our communities.

One of the facts that I liked is this "U.S. public libraries circulate as many materials every day as FedEx ships packages worldwide"  FedEx shipments - 8.0 million vs. U.S. public library circulation 7.9 million!  Make a splash at your library this summer!

As you support your public library - get to know "the stats" about your library, the circulation, the number of people visiting, items in the collection, meeting rooms, etc.  Let your elected officials know how important the library is not only to you and your family, but to our communities at large.

Thank you.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Followup to Fox

There was a followup to the alarming Fox News story on libraries, see my earlier post.  You can read Mary A. Dempsey's Response right here.

And for my 2cents

Dear Mary A. Dempsey, Commissioner, Chicago Public Library,
Thank you for a great response to  a badly reported Fox story about Chicago's Public Library.  With your circulation at over 10million, at a cost of $120million, that puts more than $200million of value back into the community!  Of course that doesn't even count the numerous other services, free internet, literacy, and programs for ALL ages.

I was delighted to read about the Chicago Public Library, I hope when I stop in Chicago again, I'll have the chance to visit.

Keep up the good work.

Best to you,!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Millions for Libraries - Advocacy

Just back from a trip out to St. Louis - had a great time. With some time off - email builds up and playing catchup can be a bit daunting.

One email had some links talking about libraries and closing them would help solve the budget crisis in Illinois - there are very, very scary folks out there.   The clip of Fox news out of Chicago makes one really very scared about the politics and the "scientific" method the media used to evaluate one great library!

As I pointed out to our council members back during our budget crisis, while we spend to keep the library open for books, electronic editions of items, etc, it is a place where the people can join together in a community to continue education. 

Our library, the Lucy Robbins Welles Library, costs approximately $1.6million dollars a year, and with over 425k in circulation of books and materials, that investment put over $8.5million of information and education back into our town.

Great ROI  - Return on Information :)

To Library patrons, to citizens, make sure your elected officials know the benefits that come back into your community!