Wednesday, January 20, 2010

FOCL Point Delivered

Hot off the press the Winter 2009/2010 issue has been published.  So go out and check your mail box or click here for a link to their website.

It contains three great summaries on the November Workshops.  Tim Cole, Carl Nawrocki and yours truly were given lots of space.  If you attended the workshop you were in luck.  The encore workshop is scheduled for March 6th.  Reservations are limited.  Sign up now!

Besides these great articles, my favorite part is the "Friends Around the State".  This section is news from FOL and what they have been accomplishing.

Watertown Friends are operating a successful book store; James Blackstone Friends in Branford celebrated their 21st year; Meriden Friends helped with stuffing more than 1000 book bags of school supplies for the children in town; and the Wesport Friends commissioned four different tote bags for sale at their library.

If you are not a member - I suggest that you should consider joining.  The wealth of information in the newsletter alone will more than pay you back in dividends.  You may become a member of FOCL by visiting their website , email at; phone 860-704-2200 or 1-800-437-2313.

Welcome Back

It was the holidays, visits from family and friends, the new year, we can all relate.  So I'm back again to continue the discussion and post topics of interest for all the Friends out there.

For those of you that have sent questions, I'll be posting some of the questions and answers.

Wishing all of you great success with your Friends Group and Happy New Year!